Lodo Drum Guy-Contact

Contact Lodo Drum Guy

Looking to sell your gear? Have a trade? Need gear for a recording or live performance? Special requests?

I'm constantly on the road looking for gear to fill Denver's most unique drum, cymbal, percussion and musical instrument store. If there's a drum set, crash cymbal, set of hi-hats, or something else you've always wanted, let me know! I see music gear daily.

If I know you want it, I'll find it—just get in touch and I'll keep my eye out for any drums, cymbals or music gear you want!

Store Hours

I do not maintain regular store hours. The showroom is also my home, and I am pretty much available 24/7 within reason, but Contact me first!

By Appointment only please!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about store policies or shipping info? Check my FAQs—if you don't find the answer to your question contact me!