Lodo Drum Guy

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Holiday Drum, Cymbal, & Percussion Stockpile Price Lunacy!

With four bands currently on the road armed with cash scoring fantastic gear for cheap, this holiday season will guarantee continued price lunacy on complete kits and high-end cymbals.  Take a look at the nine (9) awesome drum kits now available. Also picked up 35 new cymbals which will be up later this week (assuming they survive the weekend blitz).  Here's a a small sampling of what is available:

I've a got an excellent 5 piece Premier kit made in the UK and loaded with cymbals, a Gretsch snare, double bass pedal and hardware for $150 less than what a similar kit went for on eBay (and eBay is already a better deal than most drum shops).

Or check out my 20" Zildjian ride that recently sold for 300$ on eBay, I've got it listed at 2/3 that price.

Also, please make sure you subscribe to the newsletter as soon we will be launching holiday coupons on that platform and I promise you're not gonna want to miss any of that action!